opticsly 发表于 2011-4-12 07:37:57

OPVAP. PictureProcess 开放下载测试

本帖最后由 opticsly 于 2011-4-12 07:39 编辑


PictureProcess is open source software based on Matlab, which is to tranfer figure to data.
Sometimes, when we are looking at poster or reading paper, some data impress us so much such that we want to cite them in our publications or do further study based on it. However, usually, it is not as good as we supposed, such as this figure is not clear enough for reprint, and it is impossible to obtain the original data from the auther published in tens years ago. Then, we are thinking about to find a platform to restore the data from this figure.jpg .bmp .tif, whatever the format is. This is OPVAP.PictureProcess can do.
Here are some examples this platform can do.
The figure you uploaded, is imported as a pixel matrix. Using "Distance Matrix" method, the blured points in the original figure were kicked out. Then, after thinning and smoothing curve, the new figure is reproduced finally. You can save the data as .txt or data format
There are several plug-in to do more complicated image process such as remove the grid line as shown below
Besides continuous curve, this platform can also obtain data by identifing color, symbol shape and gray scale as below. In addtition, it works well when you are picking data from discrete points.

光谷子 发表于 2011-4-12 08:32:14


opticsly 发表于 2011-4-12 10:19:57

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